Monday, June 2, 2008

Punting in the Rain

I'm going to try to be brief because I'm not exactly the best writer...I don't have May's wit, oh at your own risk:

Today was pretty relaxing, though I was tired most of the day. The morning started off with May and I taking a long walk around Cambridge. We walked by the river and more into the residential area of Cambridge. The walk was pretty uneventful, May and I were practicing our British accents during the walk (this was of course when no actual Brit's were around). Let me tell ya...we aren't good.

After lunch Mahalia met up with us (she had been doing work in the morning) and we went punting!!! One of Mahalia's friends goes punting frequently and had time to take us. Basically, when punting you use a punt (a type of boat that is a cross between a gondola and a row boat, it's long and flat on the bottom) and an extremely long pole which you use to push off of the river bottom to guide your way. The person who is steering the punt stands at the back (up higher than where you sit) and uses the pole to push the punt along. We went on the Cam river, which flows through Cambridge, and has great views of lots of the colleges. May started as our driver and it was quite comical...I'll just say we went in a few circles and had to push off of a few walls! It was great and really fun to watch, but it takes a bit to get the hang of it. We all tried and May tried again, we went in circles again, at one point we were blocking the entire river, LOL, but finally she got the hang of it. It was lightly raining most of the time, but it was completely relaxing. We went under tons of old bridges and by lots of colleges with lots of open green space and through willow trees haning over the river. Tons of fun.

Then we went to chapel at King's college, one of the most famous colleges. The building was awsome with beautiful stained glass.

Dinner was lots of fun, we went to a formal Cambridge dinner. We went to Magdalene College formal dinner, Mahalia hadn't been to this one before and she had a friend who could get us on the list. Well actually, May got us in, she pretended to be Mahalia's friend (who belongs to Magdalene College and is Chinese), Mahalia and I were here guests. We wore these black gowns, which are traditionally worn at these dinners and the person who belongs to the college is required to wear them throughout the dinner. Dinner was three courses, soup (tomato), lamb (with cabbage and potatoes), and some type of sponge custered plum cake. Basically it was fun to get dressed up and have a fancy dinner.

That's all for today, no bathroom issues today. I was so mortified yesterday, I had no idea what to do, but to wait, in the dark, for the bus to turn on!!! I was waiting in there for like 10min not knowing what to do. When that guy walked in I couldn't help but laugh, oh well.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

LOL!!!! The image of May "driving" the punt in circles is probably the funniest image ever! I haven't even seen it and it automatically goes in my top two (the first of course being..."AHH!! MY PURSE!!"...::waddle waddle waddle::

lol @ the bus story too...just be thankful, it could've been much If Jackie was the one that had to use the bathroom.....

Damn, that joke became less funny since she's coming to Cali this weekend and is staying with me for a few days.......She might have to stay in a hotel..

Requests, cont...
-A pic of one of those humongoid Toblerones like the one Joey had in Friends
-A pic of anything Harry Potter related. Preferably Tom Felton.
-Oh and also when you get to France, can you look up my pen-pal? His name is Benjamin Godet and should be around 24-25 years of age.

Hannah said...

Wow, it's a good thing you didn't poop, A! Great narration X! And Ash, I liked your description of May steering you round in circles. It sounds way cooler than a canoe. I am enjoying your adventures very much.

LMAO Santhi, on the Benjamin Godet request. I still remember like a year ago you were contemplating writing him a letter at his last known address (what was that, like 10 years ago?) and asking if he still lived there, and if not, would they be your new pen pal.

If we're going for likely, please visit the Walkabout (Walkaround??) bar - it's an Australian bar I think - and see if you can find a white sheer button-up with blue flowers on it. I left it there a few years ago.

Becky Wilson said...

why did you delete one of the posts? i just figured out how to post things on here and it is pretty cool.

btw, when you were talking about the black outfit you had to wear i am picturing a college grad robe...same?

Ashley said...

May accidentally posted with just a title and not any info...she couldn't figure out how to edit it so she just deleted.

yalu said...

Oh! This reminds now that I'm here in Paris, I'm slightly afraid to speak French, because well, it's a foreign language. But actually, when I was in England, I was kinda scared to speak English too, because I tried to say stuff in British and realized that I just sounded really bad. But on the plane leaving England, I was reading a magazine that had an article about "speak English, not American"