Saturday, June 7, 2008

In Which We See Two Look-Alikes and Some People Who Are Potentially Affiliated with WI

Hello everybody
This'll have to be short since I have 5:55 remaining and counting. Basically, some things that happened:

1. took the train yesterday from Dungarvan to Dublin. Saw a mini Matthew Braun. Train in front of us broke down so we were delayed 45 min. That's when I wrote my ode. Countryside absolutely stunning, so I didn't really mind the breakdown.

2. Got to Avalon House in the late afternoon, around 5:30 or 6 pm. It's supposedly the nicest hostel in Dublin? Walked around the TEmple Bar area, which is super sweet. Listened to some street music. ATe traditional Irish stew. Saw Katie Schultz look-alike! Seriously, twin status.

3. Returned to hostel around 11:30 pm, tried to get shower stuff together, only we are in 12 bed mixed dorm and three people were already sleeping. I pack everything in plastic bags, and it was pitch black, and i was top bunk...needless to say, this became very awkward very quickly. FInally took shower and slept on edge of bed because my stuff took up all the other space.

4. THis morning people STILL sleeping so had to go through stressful minimization of noise during morning routine. Some people left at 4:30 am so I woke up then, didn't really fall asleep again. People in bunks next to us had Milwaukee Brewers paraphernalia. Maybe WI affiliates? Saw old guy with Badger jacket on last night as well. Skinny ITalian lady in bunk opposite us glared at me all morning. Feel like she is not big Xiao Yu fan, due to all the plastic bag noise. Oh well. I'm not big fan of skinny Italian lady either.

5. Hostel provided breakfast of juice, milk, toast. Talked to lady from London here for conference. Now about to embark on Dublin sightseeing. Cheers.

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