Monday, June 16, 2008

Some Stuff

-I have now learned how to say, in Dutch, the following words:
1. Hello (Hallo)
2. Thank you (Dank yu)
3. Good bye (pronounced: Doo-ee. do not ask me to spell this.)
4. I would like... (pronounced: Ich veal hraaarch. To say the last word, roll your "r" briefly and then cough up your gallbladder, but while rolling your tongue. Most of Dutch seems to involve coughing up your gallbladder and rolling your "r"s actually; Dutch people must be born with an extra supply.)

-A cashier at a Monoprix said "Ni hao, wo ai ni" to me when I bought a Fanta. HAHAHA. (This means: "Hello, I love you" in Chinese. After he said this I laughed and waved my arms a lot to indicate the feeling, "Ha ha!" because the only things I can do in French are order crepes and ask for bananas and count, none of which is an appropriate response. Then he got all embarrassed and said "No wo ai ni? No wo ai ni? Por qua?" or however you spell "why" in French.)

-Amsterdam is great. I love the rooftops/gables. Fact: the most expensive tulip ever recorded as a sale during Tulipmania was 13000 guilders, which could've bought you a canal. Fact: a house was once traded for three tulips. Fact: an average of one car a week drives into a canal. They didn't say if people were inside.

--Also in Amsterdam: unnervingly transparent public urinals. You'll be walking along, enjoying the beauty, and waves of warm urine smell will suddenly assault you out of nowhere. This is slightly unpleasant.

ok out of time


Lucy said...

Oh, forgot to mention, "kip" means chicken, "kase" means cheese", and "kirk" is church, if you guys haven't already figured those out yet. I think kip is the most important thing here. lol.

yalu said...

Man I don't know how you pick up on so many words!! But yeah, the ones Lucy mentioned are by far the most important ones. You need to know what you're eating.

I dont rmr if we warned you about the urinals either...

Unknown said...

Word on the street is...Tyra Banks is currently in Amsterdam filming America's Next Top Model!

FIND HER!!!!!!

It'd be pretty cool.

Xiao Yu said...

lucy and yalu--HAHA those are all the things i noticed about amsterdam too! especially those urinals...*shudder