Friday, June 6, 2008

Dungarvan, Ireland

This needs to be quick because we are leaving for Dublin soon, but...

We arrived in Cork, Ireland on Tuesday evening. Then we took a bus to Dungarvan, which is right along the sea...the bus ride was really beautiful. Ireland is really green, they're not lying. Anyway, once we got to Dungarvan, Jenny (a close Eide family friend) picked us up from the bus stop. We pretty much relaxed the rest of the night and met Jenny's dogs, Fish and Chips, they're golden retrivers.

On Wed. it was raining most of the day, but it cleared up a little in the afternoon so we took a walk around Dungarvan. We went into the Dungarvan Castle and ended up seeing a video and getting a tour of the castle, though it is still being restored. The woman who gave us the tour seemed really excited to see us since there was no one else around. After that we walked along the bay of Dungarvan to see the Abbey and then walked along the beach. It's crazy here because depending on the time of day you are around the bay it can seem like a completely different place, due to the tide. In the evening, since it had cleared, Jenny took us for a drive around the bay and to the fishing port.

Yesterday it was beautiful in the morning, so Jenny took us for a drive through the mountains. We saw TONS of sheep and their little baby lambs...we also saw a little boy peeing, it was comical. Then in the afternoon, May and I rented bikes and we went for a long ride. At one point we stopped at the beach to relax. May collected rocks and shells and I, unsuccessfully, tried to skip stones. The view was great, the sea seemed to go on forever. In the evening we had fish and chips (the food, not the dogs, just to clarify), it was great again.

Today we are taking a train to Dublin where we are staying the night, then we fly to Paris tomorrow. Jenny has been a great host! Thank you so much for letting us stay here, we've been spoiled.



Unknown said...

Okay, I just saw a clip on America's Funniest Home Videos of these people who were in Paris, and they went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower and flew a paper airplane off it, and it stayed in the air for like 10 straight minutes and then landed like MILES away from the tower, and they caught the whole thing on tape, and they won $100,000!!! YOU HAVE TO FLY A PAPER AIRPLANE OFF THE EIFFEL TOWER!!! That would be worth 100,000 pride points!!! As an alternative...I'll take a picture of you two posing with a paper airplane somewhere in Paris...for 5 pride points.

Choose wisely.

Becky Wilson said...

I have an awesome book of paper airplanes. I can mail it to you in France. My mom found it when she also found several of my old "home-made" scrap books. So, get on that paper airplane thingy.