Sunday, June 8, 2008


We got to Paris yesterday, it was quite a journey.

We spent the day in Dublin, AWSOME city. We went to the old jail and took a was pretty interesting, TONS of info about Irish history. It was May's favorite thing so far.

We left Dublin around 630pm for Paris and arrived at our hostel at about 11pm. We ended up needing to take an hour and 15min bus ride from the airport to get to Paris. We have our own room here!

We're going to the French Open today!

Gotta go, time's up


Unknown said...

Prasanthi says: YOU'RE GOING TO THE FRENCH OPEN??? OMG!! I thought that wasn't gonna work out! Have fun!

Jackie says: She always knew you'd go. Santhi was wrong for doubting. ROHAN!!!!!!!!!

Prasanthi says: Bye!

Jackie says: HOLLAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am soo disappointed with the French Open :( it's soo cool that you were actually there though!!! :)

Hannah said...

I heard Nadal won!!! Were you at that match?? That is so perfect!! Did you get to touch him?

Xiao Yu said...

HA touch him if only i were so lucky

no we werent even at stadium just big screen in front of city hall which is not even close but we were on french tv!