Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ok so that's about the only German word I'll actually speak to Germans...otherwise it's pure English (or slug language as I am calling it here, since no one seems to understand all that much, but we can get the basics). We're in Munich's pretty nice, the hotel breakfast was good today. And my lunch was awsome! Brat with saurkraut and a beer=great! We spent the morning in the city part of Munich, then went to a concentration camp in the afternoon...very sad, but the site is restored well. We're going to watch the soccer match tonight, should be crazy since Germany is playing. That's all...short and sweet.

Goodbye from Deutschland.


Hannah said...

Slug language? lol

yalu said...

Did you guys figure out the schone(with umlaut) part? People kept saying Danke schone when I was in Germany and I didn't want to say schone back b/c I wasn't sure how it was spelled/spoken. Afterwards, I learned it in class, and it's spoken everywhere...(means beautiful)

Xiao Yu said...

lol Yalu I actually already knew that, just because Mahalia took German forever and taught me. but don't feel too bad, people kept saying tschuss to ashley in the train station at dresden and she thought they thought she was british and were saying Cheers.