Sunday, July 13, 2008

Europe details...

So I haven't posted on this blog in awhile, so I decided it was time. I tried posting last weekend, but for some reason it didn't work. Then I was going to post when we got to Madrid (prior to May's purse being stolen) and the things I wanted to post were things I thought were a bit comical. AND, in light of the whole stolen purse incident, I felt the need to wait a few days for the humor.

Also a quick recap...
We flew from Madrid to Frankfurt yesterday and then took a train to Dusseldorf to spend the next two nights. My mom is in Dusseldorf right now, so we're visiting/staying with her. Tomorrow we take a train back to Frankfurt and then fly from Frankfurt to Chicago, I'm not looking forward to the long flight! But it will be nice to be home.

Okay, the humor...

#1. The Beach in Venice: So we were in Venice about 10 days ago and we decided to spend one of the days at the beach. So we wake up on the decided day and it is just POORING seemed like we didn't pick the right day. BUT, it cleared up in the afternoon and so we decided to head to the beach. First, it took us forever to get there, because we needed to take a boat to get to the beach island, Lido. Finally we got there and I have a towel (the one I'd been using for showering), but May had no towel (since she uses a tiny hand towel for showering). After we went in the water I came back and layed on my towel...May got out plastic bags, lol!!! She got out 2 plastic bags (from her purse) one of which she kept all her coins in. So May was trying to lay in the sun and dry off while balancing on 2 plastic bags and trying to avoid getting sand on herself...I took pictures, don't worry. LOL, this did not end up working out well, but the beach was fun!

#2. Also in Venice: We were getting ready for bed and May was getting something when she spilled one of her bags and it sounded as if something glass had broken...the people around us seemed concerned. Really, it was May's rock collection spilling everywhere and making lots of noise, lol...she quietly told the people around us it what it really was...haha.

#3. Barcelona friend's Apt: So May and I stayed with one of her future MIT classemates in Barcelona. She and her boyfriend had an apt. rented for 3 weeks in Barcelona and she invited us to stay with her. They weren't supposed to have guests sleep over (well guests were supposed to pay) so she said we should just lay low while we were there. When we arrived she had us put our backpacks in the closet (so the landlady wouldn't see) and when the landlady came to the door we hide in the bedroom, lol. So...May and I took this as we shouldn't really be seen in the apt. We went around Barcelona and when we got back (around 9pm) it was just May and I in the apt. Someone needed to come in and fix something, but May said she was using the bathroom, because we wanted this person to leave. After he left, we proceeded to eat our dinner in the dark and run to the peep hole every time we heard a noise to see if he was coming back, lol. We did this for almost 2 hours!!! LOL...Then when the guy finally did come back we decided it would be better just to hide in the bedroom so he could fix it. May's friends ended up coming back, as the guy was coming in and just asked him to come back tomorrow...then they found us hiding in the bedroom, LOL! They informed us that we really didn't need to hide, haha. The next few nights were fine.

#4. Beach in Marseille: I got burnt to a crisp...I put sunscreen on, multiple times, but it wasn't enough :( This is only funny because since the burn I have been leaving pieces of myself, in the way of skin peeling, throughout Europe.

#5. Sleeping in Milan: May and I had a bunkbed in our Milan hostel...I slept on the top, May on the bottom. At this point May had a lot of bug bites. One of the nights I woke up to May hitting and scratching herself, because the enitre bed was shaking, lol. She was trying to ward off the bugs with a lot of authority! It didn't really work as the next day she counted her total amount of bug bites and it was at 98!

That's all I got for now, we leave tomorrow!



Unknown said...

Good to hear your stories Ash! They had me laughing aloud. My mom and I are cleaning out the house right now (we did a biig cleanup on the kitchen) and are now watching Anne the Continuing Story. We just finished side one and are maybe going to take on side two (in *that* order, lol). I love the story about the towel/plastic bags. Love it. Have a good trip back! Love you!

Unknown said...

lol, how is it you find space for bagfulls of coins and rocks but not a damn towel?!