Friday, May 30, 2008

Rainy Day in England

Yesterday we spent the day touring Cambridge... it's quite nice, I would describe it as green and quaint, lots of young people.  We started by walking through the Market Square while M. was in class.  The Market was what you would expect; very colorful with lots of food, flowers, clothes and jewelry to buy (May got earrings).  When M. met up with us, after her class, we went to tour some of the colleges in Cambridge.  Cambridge University is made up of 34 different individual colleges.  The colleges, not the University itself, are responsible for admitting students, though students can have classes with students from any of the colleges.  Each college has it's own grounds; we toured St. Johns, Trinity, and Jesus, and walked by many others.  Technically we were supposed to be Cambridge students to be able to walk through these other colleges (M. belongs to Downing), but since we look like students we just walked through and nobody stopped us.  Trinity, St. Johns and Kings are the most famous colleges in Cambridge.  All the buildings look very historic and well kept.  There is lots of vegetation and tons of grass that is "forbidden" aka you can't walk on it and if you do, it's  likely you will be asked (potentially in an unkind way) to remove yourself.  Needless to say, we stayed off the grass.  

We ate dinner in The Hall, aka the cafeteria, that is on the Downing grounds.  The food was decent and pretty cheap, about 2 pounds!  Later May and I made banana bread and were hanging out in M. kitchen.  I guess we were too loud and one of M. roommates had to come down and ask us to be quiet, oops!  We had been in England BARELY 24 HOURS and were already asked to be quiet... we are truly loud Americans, lol.  Seriously though, it's really quiet here, especially compared to our house on Broom St.!  Anyway, we felt bad, but the guy just seemed annoyed so we tried to keep it down, though May said she had been trying to be quiet, lol.

Overall the day was good, though it RAINED THE WHOLE DAY!!!  I'm really glad I brought a rain jacket.  That's all I have to say, I don't feel like writing a lot more, May will fill in the details, even if some are false...We were NOT BLED ON BY PIGEONS (see previous post).  There were lots of pigeons around us and one had a cut foot and it was walking all over.  So basically the blood was on the ground and not us, needless to say it was gross.



Unknown said...

Glad to hear you guys are single-handedly (...double-handedly?) keeping the broomie tradition alive. If another brit man tells you to quiet down, YOU TELL HIM TO GO EAT A CROISSANT!!! Boy, I'm glad I'm not there with you guys, my rage would surely get us in trouble. Anyway, it sucks that it's raining! Hopefully it has stopped by now and if not, I'll send some of the Sunny 75 degree Cali weather your way!

I'm creating an ongoing list of pictures I expect to see upon your return. So far, I request:

-Ashley hugging Stone Henge
-May doing the FOB "peace" sign in front of the Eiffel Tower

Kudos on staying alive, keep it up!!

Hannah said...

I think if Ashley tried to hug Stonehenge, they would try to arrest her...My mom said though, way back when she was our age (hard to fathom), you could go up to it and touch it and they didn't have security. I remember in Athens, I got to close to the Parthenon, and they started blowing whistles at me and I had to book it. So my request then will be:

- a picture of Ashley running away from Stonehenge guards. (Xiao, that's on Yu).

Love you guys!